Acero Industrial Park will begin construction in October

  • The Mexican Chamber of the Construction Industry (CMIC) Coahuila Branch was called by the company developing the project to invite local businessmen to an informative meeting next week.

  • Laura Hernandez, representative of the industrial park, sent CMIC Coahuila Centro a preview of the information that will be given at the meeting on the progress of the project.The president of the Chamber of Construction, Raul Flores Gonzalez, explained that they asked him to call a meeting of the Union of Business Organizations where they will be informed on the progress of the project.The meeting of local businessmen with the industrialists of the park could be held on Monday if the agendas can be reconciled, or on Wednesday or Thursday, already scheduled, said Flores Gonzalez.the industrial park project contemplates the construction of eight or 10 warehouses in its first stage, as well as lotification and urbanization of the site, which will house several dozen industries as projected.

Source: El Siglo de Torreón/ Sergio A. Rodríguez